EXOS – Performance Specialist Certification




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EXOS – Performance Specialist Certification

The EXOS Performance Specialist Certification is based on the EXOS Training System which emphasizes the seamless integration of Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, and Recovery. This holistic approach assures that the athlete, client, or patient is empowered with individualized strategies on and off the training floor. Through a 8-component training system and a 4-component testing model, the EXOS Performance Specialist Certification brings to life a training system that can fit any population and environment.

The EXOS Performance Specialist Certification curriculum contains 22 presentations categorized into 19 different courses. Each presentation emphasizes a theoretical framework, a program design framework, and best practices around coaching. Within the 19 courses there are 14 practical sessions that cover over 215 movements. Each practical is filmed from a coach’s perspective and emphasizes instruction, demonstration, error identification, error correction, and specific cueing.

The curriculum has been designed to optimize learning and application of the information. All course videos have been chaptered with great detail to allow for easy navigation.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify and describe the 8 training components within the EXOS Training System.
  2. Identify and describe the 4 testing components within the EXOS Training System.
  3. Provide a theoretical rationale for the importance of each training and testing component relative to an integrated system.
  4. Identify and differentiate program design recommendations based on individual, environment, and sport/goal considerations.
  5. Identify and prioritize common movement errors based on presented technical models for linear and multidirectional movements.
  6. Identify and prioritize common movement errors based on presented movement demonstrations across the 8 EXOS training components.
  7. Identify and describe effective coaching strategies based on the theoretical rationale provided within the coaching science and motivational science presentations.

Course Content

EXOS Training System
Pillar Preparation
Movement Preparation
Absolute Speed
Multidirectional Speed
Medicine Ball
Energy Systems Development
Testing: FMS Integration
Testing: Movement Skills
Testing: Strength/Power
Testing: ESD
Motivation Science
Coaching Science
Putting It All Together

Commonly Asked Questions:

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  2. Performance Specialist Certification Course
  • There are no scheduled coaching calls or sessions with the author.
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  • There is no direct email support available from the author or their team.
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