Meghan Callaway Fitness – The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program




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The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program , Meghan Callaway Fitness – The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program download

Meghan Callaway Fitness – The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program

The Single Leg Squat That Makes You Stronger, More Coordinated, And Leaves You Feeling Like A Badass!

Are you looking to do your first pistol squat ever and have been really frustrated with your lack of progress?

Or can you already do pistol squats but want to improve your form, increase your reps, and learn more advanced variations?

If so, The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is for YOU!

What are pistol squats?

Pistol squats are single leg squats. Your arms and leg are extended in front of you.

The beauty of pistol squats is they require no equipment so they can be done anywhere, any time. Once you master the fundamentals, there are many fun and unique variations you can learn!

Pistol squats don’t just look cool. They strengthen the quadriceps, glutes, hip flexors, and the muscles in the lower leg and foot. They also improve balance and coordination.

Pistol squats are awesome as there are many pistol squat specific exercises/regressions that will meet you where you currently are in your pistol squat journey. So you can train for pistol squats at your own pace, and in a way that is not intimidating.

Like with pull-ups, there are many exercises that will serve as stepping stones to leading you to your pistol squat goals. I’ve eliminated the guess-work!

This is why I created The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program.

Like with my Ultimate Pull-Up Program, I created a comprehensive training blueprint you can follow that will lead you to your pistol squat goals and beyond.

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is very home workout friendly as it requires minimal equipment.  I wanted to design a program that delivers top results, but doesn’t require an abundance of equipment.

Close to all of the exercises in this program are different from the exercises I have in my Ultimate Lower Body And Core Program!

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program is also designed for the gym. 

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will also benefit you even if pistol squats aren’t your main goal. I’ve included many of my go-to non-pistol squat specific accessory exercises that will help with your pistol squats, and your lower body + foot/lower leg strength, mobility, and athleticism.

This was a big objective of mine when I created The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program!

And aesthetically speaking, as I know some train for aesthetic reasons, you will develop the muscles in your lower body and glutes!

If you are a regular gym-goer, runner, or athlete, The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will be so beneficial!

Troubleshooting 4 Key Reasons Why You Might Be Struggling With Pistol Squats

Here are four common issues people experience when they are learning pistol squats. I have you more than covered as The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program troubleshoots and helps solve all of these issues that might be holding you back.

Problem #1: Inability To Keep Your Extended Leg/Foot From Striking The Floor, Or Your Quadriceps From Cramping 

Do you struggle with pistol squats, not because you are unable to perform the eccentric and concentric components, but because you can’t keep your non-squatting leg fully extended and from striking the floor, or quadriceps from cramping. This can be attributed to your hip flexor muscles not being up to the task. Many people have weak hip flexor muscles, including elite athletes and trainees!

In The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, I am providing you with some of my go-to exercises for strengthening the hip flexor muscles so you can keep your non-squatting leg fully extended and from striking the floor for the duration of the exercise.

Problem #2: Lack Of Stability

In order to excel at pistol squats, and to make them look effortless, you need to possess extremely high levels of stability, including in the foot/lower leg, knee, hips, and lumbo-pelvic regions. A lack of frontal plane stability is a major reason why many people find pistol squats impossible as you will often see the foot and knee falling in or collapsing out, hips shooting laterally, torso flexing laterally, or a combination of the above.

When you are performing pistol squats, and countless other exercises, frontal plane stability is a must! In other words, you do not want any parts of your body shifting medially or laterally. Guess what, I have you more than covered! In The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, in addition to the pistol squat specific exercises I am giving you (I am about to share two of my favorites below), I am providing many of my go-to exercises for improving stability in the feet/lower leg, knees, hips, and lumbo-pelvic regions.

Problem #3: Falling Backwards While In The Bottom Position

When you reach the bottom position of the pistol squat and attempt to press away from the floor and return to the top position, do you hit a major roadblock and lose balance and tip backwards?  A common culprit for this key issue can be a lack of ankle mobility, particularly dorsiflexion.

Improving your ankle dorsiflexion can be a game-changer in improving your pistol squat performance. In The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, I am including many different exercises that help improve ankle mobility.

As lower leg/foot strength and stability, and being able to maintain the ever-important tripod foot base are hugely impactful, I am including many exercises for improving lower leg and foot strength and stability. In addition to providing effective exercises, I’m constantly dishing out helpful coaching feedback and cues for improving your ability to establish and maintain the tripod foot base.

What About In The Meantime?

Two short term “crutches” that can allow you to work on your pistol squats (or pistol squat regressions) while you simultaneously work on improving your ankle mobility and foot/lower leg strength are:

1) Elevating your heel on a small weight plate or other stable object. This “crutch” reduces the amount of ankle dorsiflexion that is required when performing pistol squats. Use the lowest surface height possible.

2) Fully extending your arms and holding a light weight and using this as a counterbalance. Using a light weight for counterbalance can help prevent you from tipping backwards. Do not mistake this with when you make the exercise more challenging by holding a weight and keeping it very tight to your body. When using a weight as a counterbalance, use the lightest weight possible.

Problem #4: Lack Of Control During The Lowering Component Of The Pistol Squat, Or Getting Stuck In The Bottom Position/Having No Drive From The Ground Up

Does lowering yourself down to the bottom position of a pistol squat with control feel like an incredibly daunting task? Do you drop down to the bottom position of the squat using little to no control as you might lack the eccentric strength needed to perform the movement, hold on for dear life in the bottom position, and then attempt to press back up to the top position? This glaring mistake will make each rep feel significantly more challenging, and can place your body under needless stress.

Potential Solution: Performing Eccentric-Only Pistol Squats

The eccentric-only pistol squat is a great exercise for mastering the ever-important lowering component of the pistol squat. Once you are able to perform the lowering component of the pistol squat with solid technique, you will put yourself in a much better position to succeed at performing regular pistol squats.

What About If I Always Get Stuck In The Bottom Position? Or What If I Have No Drive From The Ground Up?

Can you successfully make it to the bottom position of the pistol squat but get stuck and lack the drive needed to return to the top position? This can be due to many reasons.

Potential Solution: Performing Concentric-Only Pistol Squats

The concentric-only pistol squat is a great exercise for mastering the ever-important lifting component of the pistol squat. This exercise will help you acquire the necessary technique, strength, and stability from the ground up so you can successfully complete regular pistol squats.

All of the exercises in The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, and my detailed coaching, will give you the tools you need to excel at pistol squats. Whether you are looking to perform your first proper pistol squat ever, improve your current form, increase your personal best for reps, learn more advanced and innovative pistol squat variations, or all of the above, The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program has you covered.

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will fast-track your progress and results. You no longer need to waste your time! As many of my clients tell me, you will feel like I am in your head giving you instructions while you are following this program (and any of my other programs).

The Perfect Solution For Excelling At Pistol Squats

In order to perform a perfectly executed pistol squat, increase your number of reps, perform more advanced pistol squat variations, and keep your body feeling good in the process, many different factors come into play.

The goal of this program is not just to get you to the ground and back up. The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will give you the tools to excel at pistol squats using pristine form.

Like with all exercises, when it comes to pistol squats, using proper form is vital, as is progressing appropriately.

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program EDUCATES, EMPOWERS, EXCITES, and produces top results!


In each phase of The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, I have included exercises that will help you:

Improve your pistol squat technique

Improve your unilateral lower body strength

Improve your glute strength

Improve your hip flexor and adductor strength

Improve your lower leg and foot strength and stability

Improve your hip and ankle controlled mobility (you need to be able to control your mobility)

Improve your core strength/lumbo-pelvic stability

Improve your athleticism and coordination

With The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program, you will also improve your overall form and technique with my detailed coaching, and you will likely learn many new exercises you might not have seen or tried before. This will benefit your training. If you are a coach, you will be able to apply your newly acquired (or refined) knowledge to your coaching.

About The Creator Of The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program

I have been a certified personal trainer/coach for over 20 years (the first 14+ years was full time in-person), an online coach for over six years, and an avid multi-sport athlete for most of my life.

I have helped thousands of people worldwide reach their goals, and achieve a level of strength and empowerment they didn’t even know existed.

I have also helped countless people fall in love with working out. I use a combination of very fundamental and innovative exercises, and really hammer home the importance of using proper form. I also strongly believe working out should be empowering and fun.

When it comes to my coaching, my content, and my own training, I use a “3 E” approach. I always want my clients (or people who follow my work) to feel EDUCATED, EMPOWERED, and EXCITED. The “3 E’s” have been a total game-changer for me as a coach, and as an educator.

What Some Of The Top Coaches/Customers Have Said About The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program

I think of Meghan as a wise cyborg coach that can help anyone unlock their superhuman potential! Her program breaks down the pistol squat into progressions in a way that’s easy to understand and not feel too overwhelmed by. Meghan has an attention to detail on proper form like no other coach I’ve seen. She has the superpower to make very difficult exercises/goals seem simple and attainable. As a visual person, the videos and images are very helpful. And once you master the basics, she adds in fun “showy” challenge moves which are so rewarding after all the hard work!

I have been a trainer for 6 years and Meghan’s content and programs are such a great resource for improving my cueing and coaching. Thank you Meghan for creating this program for everyone and anyone! Now let’s have a pistol squat party! _Diana Parker – Aka @hyperbody

After enjoying Meghan’s previous programs, I was excited to crack open the Ultimate Pistol Squat Program! While I program and coach a lot of more standard movements (squats, lunges, etc.) for my clients, I’ve always wanted to achieve a more controlled pistol squat – on both legs, not just my strong one!

Meghan has provided a lot of really great exercises with unique set ups, in-depth but easy to follow instructions and videos that demonstrate everything you need to see in order to perform the exercises correctly. The workout charts are also really easy to follow.

So, not only is this a great program if you’re looking to change up and challenge your own training, but it’s also a really valuable resource if you’re a trainer who’s looking to learn more and deliver a better training experience to your clients. Thanks for another awesome program Meghan! _Logan Dube, Master Instructor at PPSC (Pain Free Performance Specialist), Director Of Education – Fitness World Canada

Meghan has done it again with arguably the most important program yet in the “Ultimate” series. The development of single-leg strength should be a fundamental component of any good program, regardless of age, gender, body composition or athletic goal. Yet, it’s often overlooked or treated as an afterthought.

The Ultimate Pistol Squat Program will change that, making your single leg strength a priority and ultimately improving many other aspects of your training and lifestyle. You’ll not find a more comprehensive guide on how to improve your single-leg squatting ability

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