Stone River eLearning – Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2)



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Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2) , Stone River eLearning – Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2) download

Stone River eLearning – Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2)

Content Proof:

1. Welcome and Course.ts

2. Course Overview.ts

3. Course Prereqs.ts

4. What is a Google Cloud.ts

5. Cloud Developer Exam.ts

6. Download Course Materials.pdf

6. Download Course Materials.ts

7. What are Test Tips.ts

8. Demos and Whiteboards.ts

9. Sign up for Free Tier.ts

10. GCP Pricing Calculator.ts

11. Download SDK.mp4

12. Google Cloud Introduction.ts

13. Hierachy.ts

14. Demo – Console.ts

15. Whiteboard – Projectsand Orgs.ts

16. Compute Options.ts

17. Compute Engine.ts

18. Demo – Compute Engine.ts

19. Instance Groups.ts

20. Demo – Instance Groups.ts

21. App Engine.ts

22. Demo – App Engine.ts

23. Kubenetes Engine.ts

24. Demo Kubernetes.ts

25. Cloud Functions.ts

26. Demo – Cloud Functions.ts

27. Compute Roundup.ts

28. Networking Overview.mp4

29. VPC.ts

30. IP Addressing.ts

31. Demo – Networking Services.ts

32. Whiteboard – Networking.ts

33. Whiteboard – Networking.ts

34. Load Balancing Discussion.ts

35. Data Storage’s.ts

36. Cloud Storage.ts

37. Demo Clound Marketplace.ts

38. Gcloud Commands.ts

39. Demo Data Services.ts

40. Done with Basis.ts

41. Designing highly scalable.ts

42. Designing performant application.ts

43. Selecting the correct.ts

44. Portability and Design.ts

45. Evaluating System Considerations.ts

46. Operating System Versions.ts

47. Service Locality.ts

48. Whiteboard – Service Locality.ts

49. Test Tips – Service Locality.ts

50. Evaluating Microservices.ts

51. Whiteboard – Microservice.ts

52. TestTips Microservices.ts

53. Defining Key Structures.ts

54. Key Stuctures Test Tips.ts

55. Session Management.ts

56. Test Tips – Session Management.ts

57. Loosely Coupled Apps.ts

58. Demo – Cloud PubSub.ts

59. Whiteboard.ts

60. Testips Cloud Pub Sub.ts

61. Deploying and securing.ts

62. Demo.ts

63. Test Tips.ts

64. Health Checks.ts

65. Test Tips Health Checks.ts

66. Google Best Practices.ts

67. Designing secure application.ts

68. Regulatory Requirements.ts

69. Test Tips Regulatory.ts

70. Security Mechanisms.ts

71. Test Tips Security.ts

72. Storing and Rotating.ts

73. Whiteboard.ts

74. Test Tips Security Keys.ts

75. IAM Roles.ts

76. IAM Whiteboard.ts

77. IAM Demo.ts

78. IAM Test Tips.ts

79. Https Certs.ts

80. Test Tips.ts

81. Http Certificates Demo.ts

82. Best Practices.ts

83. Managing application data.ts

84. Managing application data.ts

85. TestTipss.ts

86. Choosing Data Storage.ts

87. TestTips.ts

88. Data Ingestion.ts

89. Test Tips.ts

90. Re-architecting applications from.ts

91. Using Managing Services.ts

92. TestTips.ts

93. Using the Strangler Pattern.ts

94. Whiteboard Strangler.ts

95. Googl-recommended practices.ts

96. Suggested Practice – Codelabs.ts

97. Suggested Practice – Codelabs.ts

98. Review Questions.ts

99. Buliding and Testing.ts

100. Setting up your development.ts

101. Local App

103. Demo SDK.ts

104. Demo SDK Emulators.ts

105. Testtips.ts

106. Create Project.ts

107. Demo.ts

108. TestTips.ts

109. Buliding a continuos.ts

110. Demo – Creating a Cloud.ts

111. DevOps and Pipelines.ts

112. Developing unit tests.ts

113. Developing an integration.ts

114. Reviewing test results.ts

115. TestTips.ts

116. Whiteboard DevOps pipeline.ts

117. Testing Consideration.ts

118. Performance Testing.ts

119. Whiteboard Testing.ts

120. Test Tips.ts

121. Writing Code Consideration.ts

122. Algorithm design.ts

123. Modern application patterns.ts

124. Efficiency and Agile.ts

125. Test Tips.ts

126. Reviews Question.ts

Commonly Asked Questions:

  1. Business Model Innovation: Acknowledge the reality of a legitimate enterprise! Our approach involves the coordination of a collective purchase, in which the costs are shared among the participants. We utilize this cash to acquire renowned courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals with restricted financial resources. Our clients appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide, despite the authors’ concerns.
  2. Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2) Course
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  • There is no direct email support available from the author or their team.
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