Stone River eLearning – Kotlin for Android Crash Course
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Kotlin for Android Crash Course , Stone River eLearning – Kotlin for Android Crash Course download
Stone River eLearning – Kotlin for Android Crash Course
O. Proof.pdf
1. Intro to Kotlin and Android Course.ts
2. First look at Kotlin.ts
3. Install JDK and Android Studio for Mac.mp4
4. Install JDK and Android Studio for Windows.ts
5. Android Emulator.ts
6. Dinner Decider Part 1.ts
7. Dinner Decider Part 2.ts
8. DinnerDecider Part 3.ts
9. Run on a real device.ts
10. Run on a real device from Windows.ts
11. Installing IntellijIDEA for Mac.ts
12. Installing IntelliiIDEA for Windows.ts
13. Variable with Kotlin.ts
14. Strings with Kotlin.ts
15. Numbers and Operators with Kotlin.ts
16. Functions with Kotlin.ts
17. Conditional Logic with Kotlin.ts
18. Collections with Kotlin.ts
19. Loops with Kotlin.ts
20. Nullability with Kotlin.ts
21. Classes and Inheritance with Kotlin.ts
22. Lambda with Kotlin.ts
23. Intro to Git and Terminal.ts
24. Git & Version Control-The Fun Way.mp4
26. Terminal Basics Creating directories & files.ts
27. Terminal Basics copying & renaming files.ts
28. Terminal Basics deleting files & directories.ts
29. Git Basics.ts
30. Setting up Github.ts
31. Working with Local & Remote Repositories.ts
32. Handling Git Merge Conflicts.ts
33. Using Git with Android Studio.ts
34. Importing Projects and Merge Conflicts.ts
35. Intro to Android Constraint Layout.ts
36. Phone Portrait Layout Part 1.ts
37. Phone Portrait Layout Part 2.ts
38. Tablet Portrait Layout.ts
39. Tablet Landscape.ts
40. Intro to the app.ts
41. Welcome Screen Layout.ts
42. League Selection Layout.ts
43. Intents and Context.ts
44. Lifecycle in action.ts
45. Lifecycle Overview.ts
46. Skill Selection Layout.ts
47. Buttoning up the Activities.ts
48. Toggling the skills.ts
49. Parcelable.ts
50. Instarice State.ts
51. Swoosh Challenge.ts
52. CoderSwag Intro.ts
53. Data Structure.ts
54. Simple ListView.ts
55. Custom List Adapter.ts
56. View Holder.ts
57. RecyclerView Adapter.ts
58. RecyclerView Clicks.ts
59: Product List View.ts
60. Product Recycle Adapter.ts
61. Smack Intro.ts
62. Project Setup.ts
63. MainActivity Ul Setup.ts
64. Login Activity Ulits
65. CreateUserActivity Ulits
66. Generate Avatar and Background Color.ts
67. Webrequests and APis.ts
68. Hosting APLIS
69. Local Hosting API.ts
70. Our first web request.ts
71. Registering a user.ts
72. Login User.ts
73. Creating User.ts
74. Polishing up Create User Activity.ts
75. Broadcast Receiver.ts
76. Find User.ts
77. Polishing up the Login Activity.ts
78. Add Channel Dialog.ts
79. Sockets.ts
80. Socket.Onits
81. Downloading Channels.ts
82. Shared Preferences.ts
83. Channel Selection.ts
84. Send and receive message.ts
85. Downloading Messages.ts
86. Displaying Messages.ts
87. Date Formatter.ts
88. Google Play Store.ts
89. Side Loading.ts
90. Registering Account.ts
91. Removing Logs.ts
92. Generate Sinned APK.ts
93. Store Listing.ts
94. Published.ts
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- Kotlin for Android Crash Course
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