Stone River eLearning – Fundamentals of Full Stack Web Development
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Fundamentals of Full Stack Web Development , Stone River eLearning – Fundamentals of Full Stack Web Development download
Stone River eLearning – Fundamentals of Full Stack Web Development
1. Source files and quiz
0. Proof.pdf
1. What is Web Development.ts
2. What you can do as a web developer.ts
3. Where should I start as a beginner.ts
4. HTML-Building Your First Website.mp4
5. What you can do as a web developer.ts
6. Frontend vs Backend development.ts
7. Installing an IDE.ts
8. Intro to Web Development.ts
9. Intro to HTML, HEAD, BODY, and HEADER.ts
10. HTML-Lists, Paragraphs, and Text Styling.ts
11. HTML – Displaying Data With Tables.ts
12. HTML Images & Forms.mp4
13. What is CSS.ts
14. How to use Inline, Internal and External CSS.ts
15. CSS – Element, ID & Class Selectors.ts
16. CSS – Colors.ts
17. CSS – Backgrounds & Borders.ts
18. Using browser inspector tools.ts
19. CSS – Combinators.ts
20. CSS – Grouping.ts
21. CSS – Specificity.ts
22. CSS – Text Styling & Formatting.ts
23. CSS – Google Fonts.ts
24. CSS – Images.ts
25. CSS Padding & Margin.ts
26. CSS- Rows & Columns.ts
27. CSS – Intro to building your first Website.ts
28. Building the Navbar.ts
29. Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive – Part 1.ts 2
30. Making the Navbar Mobile Responsive – Part 2.ts
31. Creating the Form Group.ts
32. Working with iframes.ts
33. Working with images and box shadows.ts
34. Working with text and image spacing.ts
35. Building the footer.ts
36. How Computers Work.ts
37. Understanding Binary.ts
38. Heap vs Stack.ts
39. iOS Binary App Building Teache UI_UX.ts
40. iOS Binary App- Creating BinaryDecima/Teachab.c Class.ts Cla
41. iOS Binary App – Finishing Up.ts
42. iOS Binary App Challenge.ts
43. How Code Works.ts
44. Variables & Storage Capacity.ts
45. Understanding Hexadecimal.ts
46. Time to Javascript.ts
47. Javascript Reference.ts
48. Comments & How to Link Scripts.ts
49. Numbers.ts
50. Variables & Strings.ts
51. Comparison Operators.ts
52. Logical Operators.ts
53. Arrays.ts
54. Loops.ts
55. Functions.ts
56. Objects.ts
57. Bind.ts
58. Percentage Calculator – Setting Up the Form.ts
59. Percentage Calculator – Grabbing Elements With Javascript.ts
60. Percentage Calculator – Using Event Listeners.ts
61. Percentage Calculator Algorithm & Prevent Default.ts
62. How Version Control Works.ts
63. Git Basics.ts
64. Terminal Basics – Changing directories.ts
65. Terminal Basics – Copying & renaming files.ts
66. Terminal Basics – Creating directories & files.ts
67. Terminal Basics – Deleting files & ectories.
68. Setting up Github.ts
69. Working with Local & Remote Repositories.ts
70. Handling Git Merge Conflicts.ts
71. What is Bootstrap 4.ts
72. Downloading Bootstrap 4.ts
73. Project Setup.ts
74. Overview of Bootstraps Components.ts
75. Understanding Bootstraps Classes.ts
76. Using the Grid System.ts
77. Project Overview.ts
78. Bootstrap 4 Cards-Creating the Sign-in Portal Box.ts
79. Bootstrap 4 Forms-Adding the input fields.ts
80. Bootstrap 4 Buttons – Adding the Sign In button and Labels.ts
81. Bootstrap 4 Grids – Finishing Mobile Compatibility.ts
82. Bootstrap 4-Skate or Die Intro.ts
83. Working with Navbars.ts
84. Using Carousels.ts
85. Nesting rows and columns.ts
86. Modals.ts
87. Adding images and buttons.ts
88. Sizing Modals.ts
89. Building the Footer.ts
90. Working with Font Awesome Favicons.ts
91. What is flexbox.ts
92. Flexbox fundimentals.ts
93. Intro to flexbox landing page.ts
94. Building the navbar – Part 1.ts
95. Building the navbar – Part 2.ts
96. Designing the navbar for mobile.ts
97. Making the dropdown menu functional.ts
96. Creating the landing page header.ts
99. Creating the first Media Object.ts
100. Building the Services section.ts
101. Flexbox ordering.ts
102. Adding the Quote button.ts
103. Making Media Objects mobile compatible.ts
104. Designing the portfolio object.ts
105. Making the portfolio object mobile compatible.ts
106. Creating the contact form.ts
107. Making the contact form mobile compatible.ts
108. Intro to Sass.ts
109. What is Sass.ts
110. How to install Sass and compile it to CSS.ts
111. Your FIRST Sass Website.ts
112. Different tools to compile Sass.ts
113. Sass Architecture.ts
114. Sass Partials – Maintainable Styles Rules.ts
115. Sass Variables and Imports – Create a clean Scalable Stylesheet.ts
116. Sass Mixins-Save time & recycle styles.ts
117. Sass Extends – Share style properties between other selectors.ts
118. Final Project – Intro to our Landing Page.ts
119. Final Project – Setting up our Variables.ts
120. Final Project-Styling our Navbar with Sass.ts
121. Final Project-Creating the Banner Container.ts
122. Final Project – Adding Content to our Banner Container.ts
123. Final Project-Some quick cleanup in our Sass files.ts
124. Final Project-Using the Extend method.ts
125. Final Project-Styling a section splitter with Sass.ts
126. Final Project-Using advanced Mixins.ts
127. Final Project – Styling the next Container with Sass.ts
128. Final Project-Finishing our Landing Page, Congrats.ts
129. Web Hosting.ts
130. Creating a server.ts
131. Accessing our server.ts
132. Installing Nginx.ts
133. Creating server SSH Keys.ts
134. Uploading files to our server.ts
135. Setting up a domain.ts
136. Final Step-Configuring Nginx.ts
137. Understanding Web Requests.ts
138. Installing Node on macOS.ts
139. All About JSON.ts
140. Basics of Node ts
141. Node Modules.ts
142. Building Your First API.ts
143. Postman, GET & POST Requests.ts
144. URL Parameters & Delete Requests.ts
145. Installing MongoDB on macOS.ts
146. Working With the Mongo Shell.ts
147. Searching for Documents.ts
148. Deletions & Documentation.ts
149. Swag Shop API-Project Creation.ts
150. Swag Shop API-Creating the Models.ts
151. Swag Shop API-Posting Products.ts
152. Swag Shop API-Fetching Products.ts
153. Swag Shop API-Populating Data.ts
154. Swag Shop Setting Up React Tooling.ts
155. Swag Shop-Installing Bootstrap.ts
156. Swag Shop-Creating a HTTP Service.ts
157. Swag Shop-Setting Up the APLts
158. Swag Shop – Promises With ES6 & React.ts
159. Swag Shop Components in React.ts
160. Swag Shop Working With State in React.ts
161. Swag Shop – Creating a WishList Component.ts
162. Swag Shop – Building a Singleton Data Service.ts
163. Creating a Notification Service.ts
164. Props in React.ts
165. Posting Notifications to React Components.ts
166. Observing Notifications in React.ts
167. Finishing Our Full Stack React App.ts
168. Webstorm Ide Basic Setup.ts
169. Webstorm Ide Navigating Your Project.ts
170. Webstorm Ide Performing Searches.ts
171. Webstorm Ide Mastering The Editor.ts
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